Hi there -
I just love you all so much! Thank you for clicking on this blog to read a little bit about what is going on with Mama Sattva ghee company and how 'YOU CAN HELP'. We would like to give away ghee to someone in need weekly. You can help by sending us (privately) suggestions for those in need that could really benefit! ( I do not need too much info, just where to deliver and any message I should include.) Ghee is ideal for this time of year to cook with!
Ghee is incredibly nutrient dense and helps feed nerve and brain tissue as well as aid with absorption. Anything you take in with ghee, is delivered efficiently into the tissues for optimal healing. Ghee is considered liquid gold for it's high levels of essential fatty acids that aid in proper development, repair of all tissues, and protection from aging!
Each week, Mama Sattva is looking to give away ghee to someone in need who would normally not be able to afford it. I would like help from my community - YOU! - to send me suggestions about who you think would benefit from a donation of ghee (this will be confidential information). (Please send it to my email: indya@mamasattva.com or send me a message via messenger). We will deliver one jar (or two) depending on the number of people in the household within the CHICO area.
[Once a month we will do a drawing for people outside of the CHICO area and will send a jar to the address selected]. Single mom's and dad's get preference as well as the elderly in need. There are plenty of folks in need right now, and Mama Sattva would like to help as much as we can.
Please send your suggestions to a friend or family member who would totally love to receive a gift of ghee - it can be anonymous or you can attach a message if you wish.
Also, if you would like to help out, you can pay it forward for a jar of ghee and help out our community this way. I am completely open for suggestions in how this could work better as we get the ball rolling.
We are always at the Chico Saturday Farmer's Market as well as the Nevada City Farmer's Market on Saturdays (through the end of the year)! - Rain or SHINE! Feel free to give me your suggestions and offer support and smiles for how we can all work together to take better care of our community in regards to getting ghee to those in need!
Love and Light!